Sunday, April 20, 2008

near death experience...

OMG So Saturday night when I should have been at Brandon's kick back (clearing throat...Jessica) my idiot brother tried to get us killed. SO it was like 10:00 and me and my brother were hungry so we decided to go to in-n-out. When we got in the car I noticed this SUV further up the block. It was just in the middle of the street, and the lights were on and someone was at the side talking to the ppl in the car, I guess. So I was like I bet there doing a drug deal and my brother was like calm down no there not. So we got our food and when we came back...the SUV was still in the same spot. So I'm like OMG...and again my brother was like calm down. So we ate our food in the car in front of the house and then my brother was like lets go to blockbuster. SO we left again. we got back like maybe a hr. later and the car was STILL in the same spot. So my brother was like I wanna see what there doing So I was like NO!. SO he pulls up to the car slowly and is like looking in the ppl's car. I was liKE WTF are you doing?? and I hopped my black ass in the back. So he was like there just talking and we pulled off, and then the car pulled off behind us. =0 and then we turned, and the car turned behind us. SO i'm laying down in the backseat because I told my brother he was a retard and was gonna get us Shot. But then the car turned on the freeway and my brother was like "see there's nothing to worry about" even though he was scared to. *BIG SIGH* So we pull up to the house and park and this car creeps up to the side of our car and like looks at us and then drives up, reverses and then comes back to the side of us and the ppl in the car are just staring at us. I'm bout ready to piss my effing pants...NO LIE. and i'm like u dumass y would u drive past that car and look at them. so the car w/ the ppl looking at us drives up the block and like turns to come back towards us. we got out the car so fast and hauled ass into the hosue lmao. My bother left the lights in the car on and everything. So were by the door and the ppl in the car keep looking in our car. so finally it drove off...and we didnt get shot. thank God! but omg i was scared shit less.

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