Wednesday, November 26, 2008

i have THEE weirdest mom like ever

so today i get a text from a washington number. and its like your mom gave me your i respond and say "do i know you" the person responds nd is like your mom told me to text you.
so i call my mom and i'm like mommy why are you giving random ppl my number?

she says:
"i was at the supermarket today an there is always this nice guy there he sometimes helps me with my bags. Anyway toay I was talking to him and I asked him how old he is, he said he was 18...i told him how much you hate washington and how bored you are when your out here because you don't know anyone. i thought he was gay so i asked him if he was. he said yea he was and hes happy i knew he was because he thought i was trying to hook you up with him and he didn't know how to tell me he was gay....well i told him you were a fag hag and you love gay men and that you guys should hang out when you come up here so i don't have to hear your mouth. so i gave him your number and i got his."

all i could do was shake my head...laugh...shake my head some more and think to myself my mom is one of a kind =]]

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