Sunday, October 12, 2008

wierdest dream ever....

*note all the names and places in this blog are fictional..except for mine. =]]

omgosh so i had like the weirdest dream ever last night.
so it all started with me going to Resurrections house...I had to go there to meet up with Barker because we were all going to go to Cowan High School's homecoming. So my cousin dropped me off and we all got in the limo and left. I thought we were already at Resurrection's house but it turns out we weren' the limo which turned into a house took us there and his mom was like a broadway singer or something. And she was in a bad mood so she was singing and then her and ressurection started arguing and like no one else was in the room except for them and me and Barker and I felt really akward. So then we actually left and went to the homecoming and for some reason I had this BIGGGGG red bag and they wouldn't let me take it in so then it like magically turned into a clutch and i could take it in. So then I don't remember what happened but somehow I ended up at my uncle's house and his pregnant girlfriend was there so I went in the house and she starts arguing with someone and I was pretending to be asleep on the couch so I could hear. lmao (thats something I would prolly really do) anyway...he came home and I left. then I was looking at resurrection's away message and it said his grandma had died =/.
well anyway I woke up after that but when I woke up I almost aimed resurrection and was like "sorry about your grandma" but then I realized that she didn't really die. Or atleast I don't think she did...idk I've never talked to him about his grandma. Anyway it was just like the most random ppl and situations in my dream i was like wth.

btw a friend of mines is always making me find the metaphors in this blog will make a lot more sense if you try and find the will either clear stuff up or make you more confused lol.

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